
2009年8月22日 星期六

Taku ~ 應時的鰻魚










燒鰻魚不錯,其他配套卻有好有不好。前菜是一碟八爪魚鹽辛。吃起來鮮美甘飴,八爪魚鬚切了小粒,味道鹹鮮美味,很不錯。吃著這個八爪魚鬚前菜,可惜還要上班,不能喝酒,如果來happy hour,這個八爪魚鹽辛來必吃;




2545 9966

16 則留言:

  1. KC,

    You know when I read on a magazine that the chef used soy beans from 中國東北 for more soy taste, I am like "what the heck?". Even Hong Kong local old tofu stores know to use Canadian soy beans for stronger and better taste (or if you can afford the harder price, Japan has some good soy beans).

    I also agree with you on ungai. The rice is the best vehicle to absorb the oil from the unagi's skin and the sauce. If you put it on the side, you waste all the oil and sauce to mix with the rice.

    I have a feeling that this place is a bit localized...

    Little Meg

  2. KC, did they use their charcoal grill for the unagi?

  3. 小Meg:同意。如果一早知道豆子只是用上「中國東北」的,我未必會多付55蚊去吃這個冷豆腐。我問師傅豆從何來,他說「東北」,我還以為是日本東北......而當我被問及豆腐的意見時,我說質地也太粗鞋,聽到的立即說如果吃熱的會更滑。我當時暗忖,這裡地方咁熱都仲要吃熱豆腐,跟自己過不去嗎?


  4. I'm not sure if I'm imagining too much. But behind the big bag of 'TODAY'S SOYBEANS, TOMORROW'S TOFU'... is that some toilet paper and the bathroom sink? *o*' It should carry some strong 'smell' then with everyone's contribution lol :D

  5. 因為鏡頭以外是刺身壽司檯,有個洗手盤及tissue roll也算是正常的。

  6. I think I am going to give this place a try soon !

  7. Regarding to the grill, 100% all grill items are from the charcoal grill mate. Try to ask the Manager or the Head Chef mate. Why you can ask about where does the Soybeans come from but not asking more on the other items?

    From what I can say is if they can make a really good quality of TOFU by themselves in using Soybeans from China. That's really good to let everyone know that China also got good quality of Soybeans instead of Canada or even purchase it from Japan.

    And so, how about the Salmon guys? I'm sure most of the Japanese Restaurant in Hong Kong. All Salmon are import it from Canada. And the Uni are from China. Think about it before giving comments ladies.....

    Speaking of that Tofu which you said is rought, as you can see the name which is Fresh "FARM HOUSE" Tofu. Maybe you would said you can't really taste the flavor of the soybeans. But before having that Tofu, did you eat something else which is heavy flavor strong taste?

    Learn how to eat in step by step which is lighter flavor to heavy flavor. That's how you can enjoy and understand the joy of tasting in your mouth.

  8. Jason,地方不錯,可以一試的。

    1.「100% all grill items are from the charcoal grill」~ 完全沒有炭燒的風味,如果真的是炭燒,那比爐烤更失敗!
    2.「 That's really good to let everyone know that China also got good quality of Soybeans instead of Canada or even purchase it from Japan.」~ 是嗎?I don't think so,不過師傅的功力也有幫助,這裡是玖樣也看不出;
    3.「how about the Salmon guys?...」~ 都有點道理,所以我從來不吃三文魚生的;
    4.「But before having that Tofu, did you eat something else which is heavy flavor strong taste?」~ 都寫得幾清楚,我是試完豆腐才吃鰻魚的...所以,沒有豆味就是沒有豆味,我可以再確認多一次!
    5.「Learn how to eat in step by step which is lighter flavor to heavy flavor. That's how you can enjoy and understand the joy of tasting in your mouth.」~ 謝謝分享,如﹝4.﹞所言,有做的。

  9. Blah..blah..blah.....
    You know HK people are so freaking funny, when doing charcoal grill when there's a bit burn or there's charcoal on it. You guys will said it would cause cancer and not healthy.
    Look! Why don't you go and try ZUMA and ROKA? Both using charcoal grill inside the restaurant. Also go and try BLT steak house, they also use charcoal grill for their steak.

    Feel so sad for the HK people that only know how to read comments instead of going there to try themselves. By the way KC, don't use any electronic things at home mate. Be cause most of them are made in CHINA. :P

    Or maybe come to Aus and give some comments if you like to.

    PEACE OUT mate!

  10. 佢個豆腐個賣相有D似CITY SUPER博多屋個樣.

  11. 匿名人士,有趣,應「PEACE OUT 」的,是你/妳,謝分享。


  12. To KC,
    Thanks for clarifying with 'paper roll' issue. Just found it funny! ^_^' By the way, have you already reviewed the 大戶屋 Tofu? Can't remember if they use Japanese beans.

    As for other 'anonymous guy', Canadian Yellow Soybeans are well-known to be a great tasting choice, its used by shops like 順興隆, 公和, Tofulism, etc, as its often the 'bottleneck' in the equation. Obviously, it still depends on labour somehow, may be like coffee beans vs brewing/extraction skills?

    I for one am happy to read KC's review of the lack of tofu flavour here or the Unagi performance before I visit there - at least I won't waste hard-earned money. If the shop is serious about pleasing us customers, they should improve the performance. WE PAY FOR THE MEAL MATE! PLUS CHINESE ELECTRONIC MACHINES HAVE 12-24 MONTHS GUARANTEE... 打橫嚟講!

  13. Gd Morning.......

    Wooowooo....big letter coming. Babedolphin...hmmm such a BABY. Just type as mush as u want n how big u lyk. Ha.ha...stupid! Come on try 2 ruin KC's blog.

    I love 2 c u guys fight lyk dis. FUCK THIS BLOG! XD

  14. Way 2 go West....Yo man...bring them all 2 my restaurant.
    FUCK dis place man. Come 2 my restaurant. DOZO SOHO. We got gd Japs Food in here. TOFU? Grrrr......only 4 stupid ppl man. Dn't waste ur tym here bro. Get da hell out of here.

  15. 其實不用轉名,又或唔使望你ip,都知你係同一個人。

  16. KC,

    You know, although your review had dampened my desire to go to this restaurant,at least if I would have considered if someone asks me to go .

    However, after knowing that the people who work there being so rude to customer's feedbacks, this already tells that the restaurant doesn't respect their customers.

    Rather than trying to figure out how to improve their products, they made unreasonable excuses to their mistakes and blamed on the customers. Their attitude to food is upsetting.

    Because of how disrespectful they acted on this blog, now I will proactively tell people not to go there.
